Tap Others in Your Network to Get Fix-and-Flip Leads Faster

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Finding Fix and Flip Leads

Finding your next fix-and-flip property doesn’t always need to fall squarely on your shoulders. In fact, successful fix-and-flip businesses build a team of experts into their network that become their “eyes, ears, and feet-on-the-ground” when it comes to discovering the next great opportunity.


What does this network look like? Well, it can include the following:


[caption id="attachment_131" align="alignright" width="300"]

Realtors, appraisers, and home inspector are just some of the people you can leverage for new leads

Realtors, appraisers, and home inspector are just some of the people you can leverage for new leads[/caption]

* Realtors

* Appraisers

* Realtors

* Appraisers

* Lenders

* Inspectors

* Lawyers

* Accountants

* Contractors

* Courthouse clerks

* Builders

* Developers

* Other investors

* And even local residents in your target neighborhood


Having these resources on your side can be a great, low-cost way to generate leads. In addition, your network can tip you off to a potential deal before anyone else finds out about it. When you combine that with quick and easy financing from a trusted source like Anchor Loans, you will begin to pull away from your competition.


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