Courtney Jacobson Wins 2024 HousingWire Vanguard Award: A Celebration of Excellence in Financial Services

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In the ever-evolving world of real estate and mortgage finance, certain individuals stand out for their exceptional leadership and ability to drive the industry forward. Courtney Jacobson, Anchor Loans' Chief Growth and Efficiency Officer, is one such individual. Recently honored with the prestigious 2024 HousingWire Vanguard Award, Courtney's impact on the industry is undeniable. In this Q&A, we delve into her journey, insights, and the significance of this recognition.

Q: Courtney, please give us an introduction to who you are and your role at Anchor Loans.

A: I am a 30-year veteran in financial services. I have the good fortune to be the Chief Growth and Efficiency Officer of Anchor Loans. In my role, I work across all departments to define and implement solutions that continually elevate the experience for our clients and teammates. My role is about collaboration, teamwork, and getting stuff done!

Q: Can you share your initial reaction upon receiving the news that you had been named as an award winner?

A: Wow! It’s a nice honor and acknowledgment of all the teams I have worked on and with over the years, including many mentors.

Q: HousingWire's Vanguard Awards recognize industry leaders who have made an unmistakable impact on the housing economy. What does being named a ‘Vanguard’ mean to you, both personally and professionally?

A: Being named a Vanguard is a profound honor, both personally and professionally. It validates the hard work, dedication, and passion I’ve put into my career. This recognition is not just about my individual contributions; it's a reflection of the collective efforts of all the teams I've had the privilege to lead and collaborate with. It inspires me to continue pushing the envelope, innovating, and making a positive impact on the industry.

Q: How do you feel your work has made an impact in your field?

A: Regardless of the vertical in lending/financial services, I hope my impact is in the teams—building them, growing them, and ultimately delivering results for each customer segment we serve. My focus has always been on creating strong, cohesive teams that can tackle challenges head-on and deliver exceptional outcomes.

Q: Who or what has been your biggest source of inspiration and support along the way?

A: This is a long list and is influenced by the people and experiences from which I have benefited. The what and the who are the same for me—it is the relationships, the challenges faced and conquered together, and the accomplishments we've achieved together. These shared experiences have shaped my career and continue to inspire me.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you?

A: Every day is different, but ideally starts the same way—hug my kids/family, get some exercise, and then off to work. At work, it’s all about collaboration, problem-solving, and hopefully some fun! I spend my days working with various teams to identify opportunities for growth and efficiency, solving problems, and driving initiatives that enhance the client and teammate experience.

Q: What is one piece of advice or mentorship you wish others had shared with you when you first began your career?

A: It is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, be thoughtful, consider all angles of a problem, and listen. But most of all—it is people first. Building relationships, supporting your team, and focusing on the long-term are key to sustaining success in this industry.

Courtney’s journey from seasoned professional to recognized industry leader is a testament to her dedication, vision, and leadership. As she continues to drive growth and innovation at Anchor Loans, her influence on the housing economy is undeniable. Congratulations, Courtney, on this well-deserved Vanguard Award! Your work continues to inspire and elevate the industry.

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